About Us

The Frisby Family at 123 Journal It Publishing Bible Study Books
Stephen, Shalana, & Rowynn (left to right)

{{{journals from our heart to yours}}}


Sometimes life calls for a leap of faith. That's what 123 Journal It Publishing is for our little family. We don't intend to be lukewarm about our publishing endeavor and want to bring you the best self-guided DIY study journals that you've ever used.

Boy, girl, big, small - we plan to have a journal for all! Our goal is to steadily expand our line of bible study and homeschool journals to accommodate the needs of everyone in your family. Whether you choose to study together or individually, we want you to grow together as you grow in Christ. Our family at 123 Journal It Publishing encourages you to not only study God's word, but also spread that good news to others. We hope you use our journals as a tool for both!

We appreciate you! If you found your journal useful (hopefully a bit life-changing too), we ask you to help spread the word and tell a friend or two. Also, consider writing a review on Amazon or on your own blog and let us know about it. Our goal is to spread the good news of Jesus and inspire others to learn more about God’s word...one self-guided DIY study journal at a time. Order today!

With much love,
The Frisby Family - Stephen, Shalana & Rowynn

Find more information about Shalana, the homeschooling mom, published author, & designer, at her personal portfolio site.